Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Ramblings of the heart.
I am on staff at what I think is the greatest church on the planet. My title is the Ministry Admin./Nursery Coordinator/ anything and everything else. This position is fun, kind of think of it as the support system or armor bearer if you will. I work with 4 of the greatest people I know. When you are at the office it is constant laughs, and fun. I promise we get work done as well. :) But there is a reason I write this, although I am here in this season of my life it doesn't mean that I don't go through things. One thing I am having to learn is that I am not, never have been perfect. *gasp* I know. Shocker isn't it? While I am learning all these things about me which some are fun, some not so much. There are times when I am flooded by thoughts of insecurities, inadequacies any and everything you can imagine. Just because I am on staff doesn't me I am immune to any of it. These past few weeks Satan has been on it. To say the least. I have been to the point of wanting to run away and hide. Well this week I had had enough. I was listening to Beth Moore's talk from Passion 2011 while I was working at the office, I was listening in and out trying to multi task, when a verse she had said caught my attention...I heard the tale end of it and keep right on going. Well later that day, I had a friend text me about praying for her and some mind battles she was going through and immediately went back to that verse and gave it to her. I got home that night and my mom was helping me with my taxes and she told me to go find something I needed well I was rummaging through a draw in my room and found this notebook full of stuff I threw it to the side and was getting what I need to give to my mom. Well later that night I decided to go through that notebook where once again I saw that verse but this time was a little different. I had stumbled upon a mission statement for my life so to speak that my mentor and I sat down and made for me when dealing with Satan and his taunting mind battles. The scripture reference is 2 Corinthians 10:5 which says " We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ." WOW, I had heard this verse three times today once out of my own mouth. Then I read my mission statement that was like icing on the cake. It says" I will destroy every thought and barrier that rises up and is not if God and make every thought that consumes my mind and heart one that obeys Christ." Man talk about God hitting you in the face. We spend so much time getting beat down by Satan and his lies. When the Holy Spirit living inside us is just screaming at us to stop and take the thought captive, look to God to tell you the truth. Get in His word and let it wash over. When Jesus was tempted by Satan after His fast and Jesus flesh was weak and Satan was appealing to it, Jesus combated Satan with scripture. We have to know that Satan is not our friend he comes as an angel of light but he is only here to destroy us by throwing our past in our faces, but Isaiah 43:18-19 says "Forget the former things do not dwell on the past. See I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up:do you not perceive it. I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland." Satan wants us to get stuck on our past, the whole time Jesus is saying I died for that. You don't have to worry about. I have made you new. We need to walk in the freedom that He offers. I for one am done with listening to the lies of Satan.
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